domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Chapter 3

Now we know where is the "Area 51" but question what is the reason that the top alien military basement is hidden in there?

check what I have found in the book

According to the author, in the early days of World War II, military reconnaissance teams found hidden in a massive cavern under Groom Mountain something foreign to the planet that the government immediately knew it had to keep the discovery secret. But the alien object was so immense that there was no way to move the alien mothership. The site was labeled on the Nellis Air Base reservation map as Area 51.
Since it founding the US government never admitted the base even existed.

There is more information here in the book, but can you imagine how many secret has the US government doesnt want the people to notice and how many people have been in jail trying to make those secrets public.

I really want to know what is going on with those aliens and what they want in Earth !!!

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